Best Comedy Anime!!

If you are looking for animes that makes you laugh hard and make you on a good mood , Then check out this anime list :


  • Aired : April 2006.
  • Studio : Sunrise.
      The Amanto reign supreme over feudal Japan and have outlawed swords, putting an end to the samurai way. However, Sakata Gintoki refuses to relinquish the way of the samurai. Gintoki works with Shimura Shinpachi, a meganekko with passion, and Kagura, a bottomless pit for a stomach, and together, they do odd jobs to make ends meet. Barely. Along the way, they run into the Shinsengumi, terrorists, and amanto.
       Gintama is an anime unlike any other. The most ridiculous things happen and most of the jokes will catch you completely off guard! Some episodes may make you question Gintama’s placement on our list, but when the comedic moments happen, you will literally be on the floor laughing hysterically. Every single one of the characters makes Gintama to be the supreme comedy anime king. Gintama makes fun of every aspect of society in the strangest setting possible. From bazookas indoors to giant bird-like creatures that have man-ish legs, you should love Gintama, buttfro and all!

Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou:

  •    Aired : Jan 2012.
  •   Studio : Sunrise.

      High School? That’s like one of the drollest part of life! And high school boys? Now it all sounds a hundred times more crazy and whack! Putting it simply, “Daily Lives of High School Boys” caters the fun and foolish moments of high school especially high school boy life! Silly scenarios coming ahead!
    Follow the daily high school lives of Tadakuni, Hidenori, Yoshitake, and the other boys as they try to keep day-to-day living as awesome as it can be! No dull moment is allowed as Sanada North High School and its student body fires a blast of interest and fun in every opportunity they could get.
       From giddy topics to plain-weird conversations, “Daily Lives of High School Boys” offers a wonderful high school life for everyone—an ultra-amusing and ultra-funny one!

KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! 2 :

  •    Aired : Jan 2017.
  •   Studio : Studio Deen
        Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2 continues to follow Kazuma and the rest of his party through countless more adventures as they struggle to earn money and have to deal with one another's problematic personalities. However, things rarely go as planned, and they are often sidetracked by their own idiotic tendencies..

Nichijou (My Ordinary Life):

  •    Aired : Apr 2011.
  •   Studio : Kyoto Animation.

    Nichijou is the story of three childhood friends who are now in high school, a genius, a robot, and a talking cat. Everything seems normal, but there’s plenty of the absurd. These six characters experience life as they are bitten by a talking crow, hang out together, watch their principal suplex a deer, and walk to school. No day is a dull one in Nichijou.
    If you’re looking for ridiculously stupid, you’ve got Nichijou. Nichijou takes everyday events and cranks up the craziness of these events ten fold! From falling octodogs to a trolling loli professor, it’s hard not to find a character to like in Nichijou. Nichijou is one of the top slice of life comedies, but is it truly a slice of life?! You know how Lucky Star is so ordinary it’s extraordinary? Well, Nichijou is so crazy it’s insane! Insanely good, though. And don’t you forget it!

Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun:

  •    Aired : Jul 2014.
  •   Studio : Doga Kobo.

    Whenever a love confession goes astray, more probably than not a comical mishap follows! And just so you know, this comedy anime “Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun”  is all about that! A Love confession gone wrong, a dense oddball of a guy, a gullible in-love girl, and several wacky personalities this is what a life out of a “Shoujo” anime/manga is like! Or is it actually not?!
    Basically, it all started out when Chiyo Sakura tried to confess her love to the unmindful “Nozaki.” Instead of seeing through Chiyo’s love confession, he thought that she was asking for his autograph! After all, he is actually a secret “Shoujo” manga artist!
      And so, with the wacky situation left as it is, things have led to Chiyo becoming his assistant! Nozaki sure is a prominent manga artist under the pen name “Sakiko Yumeno”, but will he, Chiyo’s, and their friends’ lives be more like a “Shoujo” manga? Let’s see this anime is, after all, titled, “Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun!”

Arakawa Under the Bridge:

  •    Aired : Apr 2010.
  •   Studio : Shaft.

        When Kou's life is saved by a homeless girl named Nino, he agrees to repay her by becoming her boyfriend! Kou begins his new life under the Arakawa Bridge, cast suddenly into the community of eccentrics, weirdos and loonies that call it home. Heartwarming and funny, Arakawa Under the Bridge is sure to leave you laughing hard!


  •    Aired : Apr 2010.
  •   Studio : A-1 Pictures.

       Due to his love for small, cute things, Souta Takanashi cannot turn childlike Popura Taneshima down when she recruits him to work for Wagnaria, a family restaurant located in Hokkaido. Takanashi takes particular joy in doting on the older Popura, which only fuels her complex over how young she looks. He also quickly learns he must stay on his toes once he meets the rest of his colleagues, including the katana-wielding floor chief Yachiyo Todoroki, the intimidating head chef Jun Satou, the dangerously well-informed and subtly sadistic sous chef Hiroomi Souma, the adamantly lazy manager Kyouko Shirafuji, and the waitress Mahiru Inami who has a "painful" fear of men.
       Powered by an eccentric cast, Working!! is a unique workplace comedy that follows the never-dull happenings within the walls of Wagnaria as Takanashi and his co-workers' quirky personalities combine to create non-stop antics, shenanigans, and hilarity.

Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu:

  •    Aired : jan 2014.
  •   Studio : Silver Link.

     Fumizuki Academy is no ordinary school – students are divided into a rigid caste system based on test results. Under the leadership of Akihisa, Class F attempt to rally and seize the best facilities for themselves. The silly methods they take to accomplish their goal make this one of the funniest anime ever and will have you laughing yourself silly!


  •    Aired : Jul 2014.
  •   Studio : Kinema Citrus.

       Seishuu Handa is an up-and-coming calligrapher: young, handsome, talented, and unfortunately, a narcissist to boot. When a veteran labels his award-winning piece as "unoriginal," Seishuu quickly loses his cool with severe repercussions.
   As punishment, and also in order to aid him in self-reflection, Seishuu's father exiles him to the Goto Islands, far from the comfortable Tokyo lifestyle the temperamental artist is used to. Now thrown into a rural setting, Seishuu must attempt to find new inspiration and develop his own unique art style that is, if boisterous children (headed by the frisky Naru Kotoishi), fujoshi middle schoolers, and energetic old men stop barging into his house! The newest addition to the intimate and quirky Goto community only wants to get some work done, but the islands are far from the peaceful countryside he signed up for. Thanks to his wacky neighbors who are entirely incapable of minding their own business, the arrogant calligrapher learns so much more than he ever hoped to.


  •    Aired : Jan 2011.
  •   Studio : Pierrot Plus.

       Beelzebub is a unique comedy anime that will either have you wondering what the heck is going on or make you laugh until it hurts and it's not funny anymore. The main focus about the comedy in this anime revolves around the demon baby and how a teenager must raise it.
      Because of the demon baby, a lot of the characters in the series go through interesting situations that will make you cry while laughing. The series is about a juvenile delinquent, Tatsumi Oga, who is a first year high school student at a school for delinquents.
     He falls asleep by a river one day and notices a man floating downstream. Tatsumi rescues the man who suddenly splits in half and reveals a baby boy. The baby turns out to be the child of the demon king and Tatsumi has been chosen to raise the baby along with the babies demon maid, Hilda.
       This begins lifes challenges for Tatsumi while raising the demon baby.

Hataraku Maou-Sama:

  •    Aired : Apr 2013.
  •   Studio : White Fox.

       His dreams of world conquest shattered, the devil himself is banished to modern-day Tokyo, where he must do the only thing a disgraced demon lord can to survive – get a job at a fast food restaurant! The hilarious plot of this funny anime are amplified by the diverse cast of silly characters. The devil himself would probably laugh himself to death after watching a few of the best episodes.

One Punch Man:

  •    Aired : Oct 2015.
  •   Studio : Madhouse.

        The seemingly ordinary and unimpressive Saitama has a rather unique hobby: being a hero. In order to pursue his childhood dream, he trained relentlessly for three years and lost all of his hair in the process. Now, Saitama is incredibly powerful, so much so that no enemy is able to defeat him in battle. In fact, all it takes to defeat evildoers with just one punch has led to an unexpected problem he is no longer able to enjoy the thrill of battling and has become quite bored.
     This all changes with the arrival of Genos, a 19-year-old cyborg, who wishes to be Saitama's disciple after seeing what he is capable of. Genos proposes that the two join the Hero Association in order to become certified heroes that will be recognized for their positive contributions to society, and Saitama, shocked that no one knows who he is, quickly agrees. And thus begins the story of One Punch Man, an action-comedy that follows an eccentric individual who longs to fight strong enemies that can hopefully give him the excitement he once felt and just maybe, he'll become popular in the process.

Great Teacher Onizuka:

  •    Aired : Sum 1997.
  •   Studio : Studio Pierrot.

       Onizuka is pursuing his dream to be the world’s greatest teacher but only so he can meet high school girls. That is the goal that caused him to leave his bike gang ways, however, his new class really puts him to the test. They are actually delinquents who try to cause as much trouble for Onizuka as possible to drive him away. But, you can’t let your guard down because the Great Teacher Onizuka is not your average teacher and he won’t stand for your troublesome ways.
       GTO is another classic comedy anime that never fails! Combine an ecchi teacher, delinquent students, a hot mom, a hot coworker, and trouble, and you’ve got yourself GTO! Onizuka is not your conventional teacher, and you don’t want him to be one. Great Teacher Onizuka explores how Onizuka solves the problem of having delinquent students. Oh, let’s not forget that Onizuka is a bum who doesn’t even have a home! Oh, how can he be a great teacher? Well, you’ll just have to see!

Seitokai Yakuindomo:

  •    Aired : Sum 2010.
  •   Studio : GoHands.

        Tsuda is among one of the first males to attend a previously all-female school, and as a result, is summarily appointed to the student council on his first day. Of course, myriad hijinks ensue, usually leaning toward the "lewd and crude" variety of humor that make up a great funny anime full of laughs.
